Tenements Literacy 101

Datamine Perth Level 19/140 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA, western Australia, Australia

This practical one-day course will provide you with the knowledge to understand mining and exploration tenure and the procedural processes associated with tenement management.. It is designed for all personnel

Advanced Tenement Management

Datamine Perth Level 19/140 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA, western Australia, Australia

A practical two-day workshop that trains the participant on both the everyday and extraordinary events that make up the life of a Tenement Manager. Expect a hands-on experience that follows

Understanding Tenement Expenditure

Datamine Perth Level 19/140 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA, western Australia, Australia

A practical two-day workshop that provides an understanding of the recording and reporting requirements for exploration and mining expenditure in WA. Expect a hands-on experience that follows actual case studies