The Minister for DMIRS proclaimed section 19 areas being proposed National Parks and proposed additions to National Parks across WA that are listed below. These are the areas that the Government announced in January 2019 DPAW_plan-for-our-parks
- Proposed addition to Metropolitan Marine Parks
- Proposed Badamia Conservation Reserves
- Proposed Beeliar Regional Park addition
- Proposed Boologooro National Park
- Proposed Buccaneer Archipelago Marine Park
- Proposed Fitzroy River National Park
- Proposed Fortescue Marsh National Park
- Proposed Helena Aurora National Park
- Proposed Kalbarri National Park addition
- Proposed Kennedy Range National Park and Giralia National Park
- Proposed Matuwa Kurrarra Kurrarra National Park
- Proposed Mount Augustus National Park additions
- Proposed Muggon Wooleen National Park
- Proposed Ningaloo Coastal Reserves
- Proposed Pimbee Reserve
- Proposed Preston River To Ocean Regional park and Leschenault Regional Park
- Proposed Recherche Archipelago and Stokes Inlet Marine Park
- Proposed Shark Bay Terrestrial Reserve additions
- Proposed Wanjarri Nature Reserve addition and Kaluwiri And Lake Mason National Park
- Proposed Wellington National Park addition
A section 19 of the Mining Act area is I quote:
“Under Section 19 of the Mining Act (1978) the Minister, or his delegate, may exempt any land, (not being private land or land that is the subject of a mining tenement or of an application therefore), from mining or any specified provisions of the Mining Act. The distinguishing factor is that a S19 can only exist by Ministerial approval and Gazettal and although a S19 can be created over any land it can never co-exist with private land or mining tenure. The primary purpose of a S19 is to provide a 24-month period for the interested party to organise the reserving or leasing of the area but a S19 can also be created for other reasons subject to the Minister or his delegate being satisfied it is warranted. There is provision that the Minister, or his delegate, may vary, cancel and extend the term of a S19 for a period or periods (not exceeding 2 years at a time) and this is commonly done. Any creation, variation or cancellation of a S19 must be published in the Government Gazette. The S19 will expire if is not extended. Prior to 14 October 1995 S19s were created with an indefinite term and can only be removed by having the Minister cancel the S19.”
Below is the extract from the Gazette:
Below is a copy of reference pages
The section 19 map; note that not all those areas shown are recently gazetted.