Annual release of mineral exploration reports

15 Apr 2019

The following extract is from DMIRS site you have only 2 months to object. The list of releases is on DMIRS website.

Annual release of mineral exploration reports Mineral exploration reports held by the department for five years may be released to the public, under Regulation 96(4) of the Mining Act – the ‘Sunset Clause’.

Each year at the beginning of March, the proposed list of reports that are planned for release are published on the department’s website and they are advertised in the Mining Notices of the West Australian and the Kalgoorlie Miner. There is a period of 2 months during which the current tenement holders can study the list and object in writing to the release of any report.

From early May, the department releases the reports that have no objections. In May 2019 reports to be released are those submitted during the period:

1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013

Reports which have been released to the public will not be withdrawn if an objection is received subsequent to the report’s release.

Objections to release of mineral exploration reports

The current holder of a mining tenement covered by the report, or any subsequent tenement granted in renewal of or substitution for such a mining tenement, has the right to object to the release of the report under Regulation 96(5) of the Mining Act.

Further detail can be found here